Carers Links and Support


TuVida’s Respite for Carers – help for unpaid carers to take breaks when needed. Have to be 18+ and live in Nottingham city.

Support Groups: Meet via zoom, booking is essential.

Telephone : 0115 842 8824 

Action for Carers – offer a combination of support groups, one to one support and events for carers via zoom. Join Action for Carers’ coffee, chat and support group for all carers.

Carers Federation – offers counselling to adult carers. due to COVID-19, this service is only available via Telephone: 0115 962 9310.


Join the young Carers Transitions Project – one to one mentoring support and access to life-skills group workshops for young carers aged 15-19.

Email: [email protected]

Nottinghamshire Young Carers Service – help young carers take breaks and get hold of information, advice and support when it’s needed. Some recent activities include: 

  • Online meet-ups
  • Cooking lessons
  • Learning first aid
  • Arts and Crafts

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0115 824 8824

Action for Young Carers – offers individualised support for young carers based off their ‘traffic light’ system which range from 1:1 sessions to larger group work sessions. Service offered as required or a minimum of two years. 

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01483 568 269

Childline – offers useful advice on seeking out support for young carers.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to or malformation of the areas of the brain that control motor function during fetal development. Children with CP often have coexisting conditions, which are health conditions that a person has in addition to cerebral palsy. These other conditions may be the result of having cerebral palsy or an unrelated, but common co-occurrence.